Installing Android apps I sourced from my Samsung S3 to my new Blackberry Z10 was shockingly easy. Copy the .APK (Android package file) for the program you want to run on your Blackberry to your Z10's memory card. Using your Blackberry Z10, click/tap on the .APK to launch the installer...
If you’re still clinging on to your BB10-powered BlackBerry for dear life, then you might be displeased with the fact that WhatsApp is no longer supported officially on the BlackBerry platform (since 30th June 2017). BlackBerry - CodeProject BlackBerry - Free source code and tutorials for Software developers and Architects.; Updated: 23 Aug 2019 Téléphone mobile - Smartphone - Dossier - UFC-Que Choisir Un marché en perpétuel renouvellement, des options pas franchement indispensables, des modèles de plus en plus évolués... Qu'il est dur de choisir son téléphone mobile !… Android -
29 Oct 2016 ... Whoa there! It looks like you're using an ad blocker, so you'll have to wait 10 more seconds. Please whitelist this site to skip the wait and help ... Google Play Store for Blackberry devices - PlayStore 10 by ... Long time it seemed to be impossible to install a fully functional version of the original Google Play Store on a BlackBerry device. Those days are over. I proudly ... Services Google Play BB10 - Comment Ça Marche bonjour as tu essayé cette méthode? 29122014-comment-installer-le-play-store-sur-blackberry-10. Play Store for BlackBerry | Install Google Play Store to ...
Télécharger Google Play Store APK pour Android (gratuit) Google Play Store est l'application officielle de Google permettant d'avoir accès à la boutique en ligne du même nom sur mobile et tablettes Android. Google Play services 10.0.84 APK Download by Google LLC ... Google Play services is used to update Google apps and apps from Google Play. This component provides core functionality like authentication to your Google services, synchronized contacts, access to all the latest user privacy settings, and higher quality, lower-powered location based services. Google Play services - Apps on Google Play
Services Google Play BB10 [Fermé]. bracard. Messages postés. Bonjour, j'ai un blackberry z10 sous bb10 et j'aimerais installer les services google play.
BlackBerry 10 : Installer des applications Android comme Google... BlackBerry 10 intègre une machine virtuelle Gingerbread (Android 2.3) ce qui permet aux développeurs Android de rapidement porter des applications. Ces applications doivent respecter certaines conditions (ne pas utiliser de services Google, pas de widgets ni de fonds d'écran animés... Method To Install Google Play Store On BlackBerry Z10 Smartphone To Install Google Play On BlackBerry Z10. First of all you need to download the following apk files on your BlackBerry using any browser. Now that you have successfully injected Play Store on your BlackBerry device, you would be able to use the service like every other Android user. Blackberry 10 users want Google Play Services, among other things Blackberry 10 users are apparently not satisfied with just being able to install Android apps on their devices; they want the whole package. Another interestingly Google-related request on that list is the ability to install Android apps straight from Blackberry World. You have to wonder if maybe what... Install Google Play Store to BlackBerry | BlackBerry Help